
  • Google Data Analytics Capstone

    Welcome visitor, in this page you will find the R files that conform the analysis performed in the Cyclistic bike-share data of 2014.

    Data and tools used in the analysis

    A link to the data is provided as part of the Google Data Analytics Capstone, in this site only the R files are shared. I did the analysis using this tools and versions:

    • R Studio 2024.09.1 Build 394
    • dplyr 4.4.1
    • ggplot2 4.4.1
    • lubridate 4.4.1
    • scales 4.4.1
    • skimr 4.4.1
    • tidyverse 4.4.1

    The analysis

    I did the analysis base in the data of 2014, the files that I created for the analysis are:

    • trips_analysis.R has the code use to clean the data and to get key information about the data, this file does the analysis in all the data of 2014.
    • trips_analysis_posit.R has the code use to clean the data and to get key information about the data, this file does the analysis in only the half of the data of 2014, this file runs in Posit.
    • trip_plotting.R has the code to generate graphs.
    • cyclistic_bike_share_report.Rmd has the markup code to generate a report that includes the analysis and the graphs. To run the code to show all graphs download the file and run it locally.
    • cyclistic_bike_share_report.html is an example of the report generated by the markup code.